貸切OKの全天候型室内ドッグラン ドッグラン付きペットホテル、デイケアサービスのお店
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User Agreement

- Acceptance may not be possible according to the dog's nature.
- Acceptance may not be possible according to the dog's state of health
(i.e., illness and contagious diseases).
- Dogs on heat (under menstruation) or those that are pregnant cannot be accepted.
- According to dog's behavior in the facility, i.e., sudden attacking, etc.,
the service may be discontinued or s/he may be refused from future facility use.
- Depending on the dog, experiencing a different enviornment at the facility may affect his/her physical condition after going home.
- When a dog becomes ill during the stay at the facility, we will take him/her to the veterinarian after informing the owner. Unless the facility is obviously at fault for the pet's condition, the fee that occurs at the vet will be charged to the owner.
- Services besides the dog run requires identification for the first-time customers.
- Visiting the facility to pick up (bring) your pet after or before business hours requires an extra charge (1000 Yen per 30minutes) .
- Please be aware that DOG INC. will not be held responsible for inevitable injuries and deaths of any dog due to unexpected accidents, natural disasters, chronic illness, snd idiosyncrasies.
- Punctuality is essential in dropping off and picking up your dog for the Doggy Shuttle and other doggy-delivery. Please inform a DOG INC. staff if you cannot make it on time for the ride.
- When the owner cannot pick up a dog in time (1hour after the business time), the dog will be staying at the facility overnight, in which an extra overnight fee will be charged.
- Due to traffic reasons, the pick up (and sending back home) arrival time may vary within a few minutes. We ask for your patience and understanding.
- In regards to meals and treats, please bring food that your dog is accustomed to eating.
The Doggy Room Price List→ 料金表
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〒213-0002 1-1-5-1F Futako, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken
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